Our studio programs are designed to help studioes encourage healthy and sustainable practice for their students.

If you are a studio manager or instructor and you’re looking to promote healthy rehab program for your students or participants we offer regularly scheduled visits and demonstrations where we can come to the studio and provide that sort of guidance.

Workshops + Masterclasses

DPT Fit hosts numerous 1-2 hour active courses, geared either for the dancers or the instructors. These are typically independent sessions or can be organized as a series of events, all with a unique and specific topic.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Achieving Greater Hip Mobility
  • Stabilizing the Shoulder
  • Improving your Jumps – Height and Control
  • Finding your Balance
  • Activated your Deep Core

Cross-training + Conditioning Programs

We offer customized programs to fit your studios time and equipment, include both virtual (via app) and in person training, with specific focus on the goals we decide together. We will retest the mutual goals every 12 weeks to demonstrate the improvement your dancers achieved.

Submit the form and we’ll contact you ASAP with more information.

Group Information and Equipment Guidelines

Review the information below to find out which track is the right one for you. You can also watch this video that walks you through the options.

Once you have chosen your track you can submit the form at the bottom of this page. Select one and only one option, please.

Group 1:

If you have access to equipment such as free weights, any cardio equipment (rower, stairs, treadmill, bike, etc.), and other things common in a fitness center, “Group 1” is for you!

  • You could also run rather than use cardio equipment
  • Options to include steps, med balls, etc. included, but these are optional

Group 2:

If you’re primarily doing this at home, with resistance bands (though a few small weights can easily be added if you have them), but still can use stairs, bike, run, or have some cardio equipment access, select “Group 2”

Group 3:

Lastly, If you don’t like to run, and don’t have access to any cardio (no stairs, bikes, or lap pools) then the last option is for you! “Group 3”

  • You will still get cardio, but in the form of exercises, you can do in a single room. This option was made specifically for COVID and people who can’t easily get outside.

Group 4:

This program is made specifically for the demands of male dancers, taking into account some extra work for upper body to support partnering, extra stability for the lower back, etc. This option is similar to group 1 in terms of equipment need.

  • If you need a band only option, please consider the co-ed options of group 2 or 3.” If you need a band only option, please consider the co-ed options of group 2 or 3.

No track is better than the other, you will get results regardless. You can find more information about the equipment requirements for each track by scrolling down.

Equipment Guidelines