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Try Our Free Glute Tune-Up Warm-Up Program

While you wait, why not get started with our free Glute Warm-Up Program? It’s designed to help dancers connect with their glutes and enhance their class.

Read Our Reviews

Based on 48 reviews
Before I connected with DPT I was looking for a program to help me with my overall strength and performance. What stood out to me and drew me to DPT is that they use different “none dance” exercises to help target specific muscle groups that will help sharpen your skills so you can take class and/or perform with confidence. Dr. Scott is always there to answer questions that you might have or help with any adjustments should you need any. I’ve seen a difference in my technique, I’ve gained more control, better balance, more stability. I’ve gained more knowledge on proper warm-ups that are more effective and I’ve been enjoying incorporating them into my day to day routine. I would highly recommend this program to any dancer that needs that extra push to get to the next level with their technique I promise it’s worth it. I’m looking forward to continue on my cross training with DPT!
Karlee Naumann
Karlee Naumann
My name is Karlee, I’m 28 and an exercise physiologist and dancer from Adelaide, South Australia. Before working with DPT, I experienced a pretty catastrophic injury while competing in a dance comp, dislocating my patella during the playoffs for champion dancer (the overall title for my age group). I left the comp with third place overall, and was pretty bummed about missing out on the title, as well as the long rehab journey ahead of me. I reached out to DPT as I was in isolation for COVID and had seen they offered Telehealth appointments. Even though we are in completely different time zones, I was able to fit in sessions just before I started work (while Dr Scott was coming to the end of his day), it worked perfectly. As I work as an exercise physiologist, I know a lot about rehab, but I believe it’s so important to always be expanding your knowledge and getting external support where you can. The appointments I had with Dr Scott were so valuable - I learnt a lot about my own body and different exercise/types of training I should include. After a few sessions I felt I was able to better manage my own rehab journey, but always went back to the exercises I learnt through my DPT programs. I’m now one year later, and I went back to the same competition and finally won Champion dancer. I can’t thank Dr Scott and DPT enough! 🥰🥹💪🏻💃👑
Asia Bui
Asia Bui
My name is Asia and I am a professional ballet dancer with Oregon Ballet Theater. Though I have been dancing professionally for 10 years, I only recently realized how integral cross-training is to this profession. Prior to Dance Performance Training (DPT), I have always looked for ways to improve in adagio and grand allegro. When I first looked into DPT I was elated to see that they offered a program specifically tailored to my needs called "New Season New Heights". This program was specifically focused on strengthening my body to achieve higher extensions and more powerful jumps. I timed this program so that I started it ~12 weeks out from the start of my ballet season. In doing this, I not only felt like I stayed in great shape during my "off season', but also felt like I came back stronger for the start of a new season. I found the app helpful because it allowed me to communicate directly with Dr. Scott when I needed help with an exercise and it also allowed me to take my workouts anywhere (i.e. the gym or while on vacation). I highly recommend DPT to all dancers, students and professionals alike, who are looking for ways to improve their dancing, gain strength, and prevent injury. Thank you, DPT!
Claire Glavs
Claire Glavs
My name is Claire and I have been dancing professionally for eight years. I saw Dr. Scott for my knee pain and was impressed by his professionalism, knowledge, and the time he took to listen to all of my concerns. Being injured is a scary and uncertain time for a dancer and Dr. Scott provided the guidance I needed to rebah and not get discouraged. I felt extremely supported through check ins, video guidance on the app, and his timely responses to any questions I had. DR. Scott is unique due to his understanding of ballet and the specific strength a dancer needs. I would encourage any dancers experiencing pain or inbalance to see Dr. Scott to get on top of it right away.
Sarah Emery
Sarah Emery
I recently did a 12 week training program with Dance Performance Training, and I am so glad I did! I am a dance instructor and retired ballet dancer. I still like to take class on occasion but since I cannot do it often, I found myself getting injured a lot. Their program really helped me strengthen the areas that I needed to, in order to stay physically healthy. It has changed my life. The program is easy to follow, challenging and fun. I like that is was different every day and it focused on a different goal each day. Dr. Scott really cares about his "artistic athletes" and is always just a phone call or message away. He is so knowledgable and it is obvious he has put in a lot of time and research into understanding the art of dance and what dancers need in order to succeed physically and mentally. He sends helpful videos several times a week to keep you engaged and on track. I highly recommend Dance Performance Training to any dancer who is wanting to improve their craft.
Domino Rose Weir
Domino Rose Weir
Before working with DPT, I vaguely understood that cross training was important, and something that pretty much all “top" Irish dancers do. But, I didn’t really have the resources to do it effectively on my own. I simply didn’t have the knowledge of body mechanics and how they connect to technique, nor did I have the time to do my own research. I especially had poor turnout and general weakness/restrictions in the hips, but often struggled to get specific instruction from my coaches that went beyond “just try to turn out more.” Like me, they often didn’t have the training or technical knowledge to communicate what they were actually trying to get me to do. DPT gave me structure when I needed it most in the early days of the pandemic. It also helped me plan my training right as I started to dance long distance- living in NYC but affiliated with a school in Georgia. Managing your own training schedule is incredibly hard, especially when you have a job and other life things to balance. DPT made this “one less thing” to worry about as I adjusted to the transition. When I was confused on an exercise or needed some kind of modification, I was confident I could get the help I needed. I still found this program incredibly beneficial even though I haven’t competed consistently since finishing it. The things I learned were universally helpful regardless of the dance form I was doing. Even though I’m not actively competing as an Irish dancer right now, I would still recommend Dance Performance Training. The program gave me a sense of body awareness and ideas on how to cross train effectively that are still relevant to me as a dance skater.
My daughter, a ballerina, had an odd ankle injury and no one was able to figure out what the problem was, despite seeing 7 different local providers. We were getting nowhere so we started virtual appointments with Scott, and eventually Nicole. Dr. Scott started her on exercises at her level, that strengthened other parts of her body that were not injured. Slow and steady won the race. It has been about 1 year and she is not back on point yet but she has been able to return to classes with limited range. She had just earned high gold at UBC before the ankle issue, and now we are looking to see whether she will be able to get back to the level where she was before. Thanks Dr. Scott & Nicole!
Katelyn Cassidy
Katelyn Cassidy
Dr. Scott and Nicole are the best! As someone who always had weak hips and dealt with several injuries during my performing years because of it, I have never felt stronger than I did after doing the new seasons new heights program. My hips don’t fatigue as fast in positions and my extensions have improved closer toward my pre-injury levels thanks to this program! Not only that, but the workouts are designed in a way that make them achievable even with a busy teaching schedule, which keeps me accountable!
Lydia Ruth
Lydia Ruth
Hi! My name is Lydia DeBaggis, and I am currently on the competition team at DanzForce Extreme. After I pulled my hamstring at the beginning of the season, I could barely dance, let alone work on my strength and flexibility. After two months of trying to recover on my own, it just wasn’t working for me. Around this time, I attended a convention with my team, and between all of the classes and trying to keep up with my injury, I was in a lot of pain. Luckily, Dr. Scott was there and helped me temporarily aid my injury and I was able to dance in a few more classes! After this interaction, I knew that going through physical therapy with Dance Performance Training was the best thing to do. Going through this course was extremely helpful for me, and I saw results within a couple weeks. I was able to dance more full out while still being safe and not injuring myself further. Every exercise was justified with an explanation and how it would help my recovery, what muscles were working, etc.— it was always extremely thorough and logical! This was something that was very helpful for me, and something that I could not have done on my own. Along with this, the exercises that I was given were always evolving and becoming more difficult to aid the recovery and allowed for me to become stronger than I was before! Even after completing the sessions, I still use the exercises to improve my strength and flexibility! I have noticed improvements in all areas such as balance, stability, and flexibility in my splits! I would definitely recommend this program to dancers who are injured and looking for physical therapy, or anyone who wants to further improve their strength and quality in dance!
Hope Hackney
Hope Hackney
I am a member of the SunDolls dance team at the University of South Florida. Last season, we competed at NDA collegiate nationals and in our preparation to compete, we worked with Dance Performance Training to build more power and flexibility as a team. We did many group exercises and Dr. Scott built many of the exercises around our individual needs. He was very open to hearing about different problems we have each faced throughout our time dancing and helped many of us overcome these issues. Throughout my dance career I have had many hip injuries that have caused me to feel weak and lose flexibility. Dr. Scott took the time to listen and understand my problem then provided us with many exercises to strengthen the muscles in that area. I highly recommend working with DPT! They are very passionate about what they do and provide an amazing experience for all. If you are looking to grow your strength and flexibility while working with compassionate people, choose DPT!

Group Information and Equipment Guidelines

Review the information below to find out which track is the right one for you. You can also watch this video that walks you through the options.

Once you have chosen your track you can submit the form at the bottom of this page. Select one and only one option, please.

Play Video

Group 1:

If you have access to equipment such as free weights, any cardio equipment (rower, stairs, treadmill, bike, etc.), and other things common in a fitness center, “Group 1” is for you!

  • You could also run rather than use cardio equipment
  • Options to include steps, med balls, etc. included, but these are optional

Group 2:

If you’re primarily doing this at home, with resistance bands (though a few small weights can easily be added if you have them), but still can use stairs, bike, run, or have some cardio equipment access, select “Group 2”

Group 3:

Lastly, If you don’t like to run, and don’t have access to any cardio (no stairs, bikes, or lap pools) then the last option is for you! “Group 3”

  • You will still get cardio, but in the form of exercises, you can do in a single room. This option was made specifically for COVID and people who can’t easily get outside.

Group 4:

This program is made specifically for the demands of male dancers, taking into account some extra work for upper body to support partnering, extra stability for the lower back, etc. This option is similar to group 1 in terms of equipment need.

  • If you need a band only option, please consider the co-ed options of group 2 or 3.” If you need a band only option, please consider the co-ed options of group 2 or 3.

No track is better than the other, you will get results regardless. You can find more information about the equipment requirements for each track by scrolling down.

Equipment Guidelines

Group 1: NSNH Full



  • Medium to heavy dumbbells (anywhere from 10-50 lbs depending on experience)


  • Strong Resistance bands that can be short loops or long for different exercises
  • Plus an anchor to hold it in place
  • Cable machine would also work


  • Either access to equipment (any of the following: pool, bike, treadmill, rower, stair stepper, elliptical)
  • Or space to run, actual stairs, or a bike a safe space to ride it


Squat Rack and/or Suspension Trainer

  • Squat Rack and barbell could be used instead of suspension trainer (not just for putting the weight on your back, but also movements where you may hold on the the weight in the rack)
  • If neither available, band alternatives are provided


  • Stability Ball
    • Sliders or a towel on smooth floor can work as well
  • Box/Step/Sturdy bench to step or jump on



  • Medicine balls
  • Kettlebells can be used or substituted for other weights
  • Squat rack and barbell for adding increased challenge to some movements

Group 2: NSNH Home + Cardio



  • Strong Resistance bands that can be short loops or long for different exercises
    • Plus an anchor to hold it in place
  • Cable machine would also work


  • Either access to equipment (any of the following: pool, bike, treadmill, rower, stair stepper, elliptical)
  • Or space to run, actual stairs, or a bike a safe space to ride it



  • Stability Ball
    • Sliders or a towel on smooth floor can work as well
  • Box/Step/Sturdy bench to step or jump on



  • If you get dumbbells, barbells, etc. you can easily add them into this program. 
  • Medicine balls

Group 3: NSNH Home Only



  • Strong Resistance bands that can be short loops or long for different exercises
  • Plus an anchor to hold it in place
  • Cable machine would also work


  • Due to COVID-19 some people have to space to go outdoors or access to equipment. This program will take away traditional cardio work, and replace it with exercises you can do with a band or just bodyweight in any room. 
  • If you enjoy running, biking, or swimming (and have access to it regularly) we recommend group 2)



  • Stability Ball
    • Sliders or a towel on smooth floor can work as well
  • Box/Step/Sturdy bench to step or jump on



  • If you get dumbbells, barbells, etc. you can easily add them into this program. 
  • This program is a better option if don’t often have access
  • Medicine balls

Group 4: NSNH Men

Group 4: NSNH Men



  • Medium to heavy dumbbells (anywhere from 10-50 lbs depending on experience)


  • Strong Resistance bands that can be short loops or long for different exercises
  • Plus an anchor to hold it in place
  • Cable machine would also work


  • Either access to equipment (any of the following: pool, bike, treadmill, rower, stair stepper, elliptical)
  • Or space to run, actual stairs, or a bike a safe space to ride it


Squat Rack and/or Suspension Trainer

  • Squat Rack and barbell could be used instead of suspension trainer (not just for putting the weight on your back, but also movements where you may hold on the the weight in the rack)
  • If neither available, band alternatives are provided


  • Stability Ball
    • Sliders or a towel on smooth floor can work as well
  • Box/Step/Sturdy bench to step or jump on



  • Medicine balls
  • Kettlebells can be used or substituted for other weights
  • Squat rack and barbell for adding increased challenge to some movements