Fix It Friday will feature common injuries in dancers with a few tips to improve or prevent them!
Simple starter guide to help if you have mild or symptoms similar to Osgood Schlatter per client request! Check back in 2 wks for the next phase.
Osgood Schlatter is a condition that can greatly benefit from skilled Physical Therapy, but if waiting or just want something in addition, can try these out. First phase posted prior, this is when able to tolerate increasing stress to anterior knee, slowly & methodically.
Box Squat: Start with very high box & over a few weeks slowly increase depth, no knees twist inward and hips should move backward. 10-20 reps
Glute Bridge: Limit back arch with tight core, keep knees from bending inward, squeeze glutes & hold at top 3-6 secs. 8-15 reps. Progress to hip thrust, single leg, or marching as able.
Static Wall Sits: Again, start with less knee bend & foot further from wall. As build strength, ft can come a bit closer to directly under knee or thigh, & can sit lower into squat. Can even add weights or movement with other leg.30-60 sec holds.
Every exercise should feel hard, but not impossible. Start with higher reps, then as able, increase resistance as get into the lower rep range.
Repeat this circuit 3 times 3-4 times a week in combination with phase 1. Can decrease to 2-3 times per week when feeling better, then move on to phase 3 coming in two weeks. If pain is already very high, unlikely a few new exercises will help, you likely need a more specialized program.
This is not medical advice. This is general exercises performed for this condition. Please seek professional advice for injuries or pain persisting over time. If general exercise gives you pain, you likely need more specific and direct attention. Take care of your body.
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Scott DPT