Get ready to work your upperbody in this week’s featured workout.
We haven’t done a good upper body workout in a while, so here it comes, and it’s not easy. Upper body stability and control is very important in dance, especially at the shoulder. This one is tough and your shoulders will likely be burning. If you have time, I would pair this with a lower body focused workout for a complete session.
For this workout try 30 seconds of work, then 30 seconds of rest, going through one set of each move. Then rest 60-90 seconds and repeat 2 more times.
- Bridge Pullover: Start laying on your back, and carefully rotate to grab a moderate weight. Then get into a bridge position (core tight, no hyperextension in low back). Hold the bridge as you press the weight overhead, then slowly lower it to the ground over your head without letting ribs flare. Only go as low as comfortable as shoulders will need to get used to the movement.
- Bent Over Rear Delt Raise: Holding 2 light dumbbells, bend over from the waist until your back is about parallel with the floor. Hold this position with a tight core (ribs toward spine), then slowly raise and lower weights out to your side, keeping shoulders away from your ears. Focus on not letting your shoulder tilt forward either.
- Med Ball Walk On/Off: This one isn’t easy, so go slow. Place a heavy medicine ball in front of you as you get into a plank position. Holding a tight core position (lower back flat, limited hip sway/rotation), step one hand onto the ball, then the other. Pause. Then walk hands off. Alternate either each rep, or switch which hand is first in the next set. Wider feet makes this easier and more narrow feet position will increase the challenge. If too hard, instead of a ball, place a small step between your hands for more stability.
Work It Wednesday will feature a new workout to improve your performance & help prevent injuries in dance! Let us know what you think below!
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Scott DPT